The Kaddish Foundation offers a unique service to our Jewish brethren including Kaddish recital, yizkor and yahrtzeit observance.
Founded 25 years ago by Rabbi Yitzchok Kurlander, The Kaddish Foundation has provided for hundreds of families throughout the country. “By offering Kaddish services to those in need we are honoring the departed soul as well as the name of God.” says Rabbi Kurlander.
With offices in 3 states and in Jerusalem the Kaddish Foundation has grown into a worldwide operation endorsed by many Jewish organizations, Rabbis and synagogues.
Rabbinical Advisers:
- Rabbi Yehuda Blum – Cleveland, OH
- Rabbi Mordechai Dov Fine – Scranton, PA
- Rabbi Yisroel Grumer – Cleveland, OH
- Rabbi Efraim Nissenbaum – Cleveland, OH
- Rabbi Aharon Zuckerman – Lakewood, NJ
- Rabbi Yaacov Feitman – Woodmere, NY
- Rabbi Yosef Sheinberger Zt”L – Jerusalem
- Rabbi Avrohom Fishman Zt”L – Detroit, MI